Why the golden mahseer is thriving in Bhutan

Despite severe population declines elsewhere, the golden mahseer is flourishing in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan,

“Bhutan has become the last stronghold of the golden mahseer,” says Dechen Dorji, who heads the World Wildlife Fund’s office in Thimphu, the Bhutanese capital. “It’s now up to us to protect this population and learn more about the species in order to ensure its future survival.”

LINK (via: National Geographic)


One thought on “Why the golden mahseer is thriving in Bhutan

  1. Nearly forty ago, now, I paid my first and only, very brief but extremely interesting, visit to Bhutan.

    I was tiny two-person tent camped-up and fishing the Manas River from the Indian side, you see, when several truckloads of soldiers and civilians appeared on the opposite (Bhutanese) bank and proceeded to set uo a substantial and very fine, nothing short of Raj Era luxurious, tented camp.

    By the following morning some very important people, in the form of two young Princes of the Bhutanese Royal Family and their friends and respective ladyfolk, arrived in the camp opposite us.

    By mid-afternoon, having watched me and my lady friend fishing the river opposite them, some “significant personage” sent a shallow draft, outboard-powered, green metal, military boat across, manned by a very smartly dressed, handsome young officer officer and his motor man.

    “His Highness wonders if you would like to come over for dinner and show him how you fish.” the officer said to us in perfect Oxford English.

    Oh well … why not … so after a certain someone put a little black dress and some make-up into a bag…..

    I wish Bhutan all the very best. I just hope that it looks after its mahseer a lot better than India, both in the north and south, has done.

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