Trouts Fly Fishing seized over unpaid taxes

Signs posted Tuesday at Trouts Fly Fishing at 1025 Zuni St. state the business, which has also been sued twice over unpaid bills in recent months, owes $67,127 in taxes.

Ladd didn’t respond to requests for comment Wednesday. The notices state the property will be sold to pay off the business’s debts. Trouts have a second location in Frisco at 309 Main St. No one answered the business phone at that location on Wednesday, and an employee at a neighboring shop told BusinessDen the store hadn’t been open for about three weeks.

Behind a Paywall, but you’ll get the idea.


8 thoughts on “Trouts Fly Fishing seized over unpaid taxes

  1. These guys were always so arrogant and frankly too big for their waders. Lots in the industry I guess, but sometimes it catches up with ya.

    1. BusinessDen posted 10/26 this being a “Lincoln Park “ company. I believe Lincoln Park is part of the Flyfisher group which I believe is a private equity firm. I’m no tax expert but seems seizure of a business does not happen for non payment over a short time. Operating on the edge for how long?

    2. Most all of these guys in the fly fishing business are too arrogant and way too big for their waiters they want to make money off of something that belongs to everybody

  2. Tucker also owes his guides and shuttle companies money. Stiffed his guides, which is basically stealing the money they worked for!!!! What a POS

    1. Indeed! So sad this idiot paid himself thick cash, bought second homes and stiffed the people who worked there. Scott Dickson was an amazing guide…kept that place a float.

      Tried to return a reel once and got yelled at by him.

  3. The worst decision made by Tucker was to move the shop @ 6th & Marion to the piece of shit outlet on I-25 & Zuni. The former was a charming throwback to earlier days, the latter an obvious money-grabbing move. Sadly Charlie’s Fly Box made a similar move up in Arvada but is surviving nicely w/ good business practices. & Anglers All is still down on S. Santa Fe, but has expanded their facility to include a well-stocked boat house & rumor has it, they will soon open a new shop @ Trouts old 6th & Marion location. Sadly, it’s all about $. This all makes me glad to be in the final innings of my life.

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