River Fishing Fight – Whose to Blame for Declining Salmon Stocks?

Fights over fishing and fish are common, especially when fish stocks are reduced but whose to blame for declining salmon stocks in North America? Is it me, you or them? Is it guiding, commercial fishing, First Nations food fishing gill nets, tourism, social media, fish farms, fish hatcheries, dams, el nino, la nina, globalization, sushi, sports fishing and the list goes on and on. Are we currently fighting over who gets to catch the last fish? Is it time to put our differences aside and think about the fish? What do you think?

5 thoughts on “River Fishing Fight – Whose to Blame for Declining Salmon Stocks?

  1. We Brits do things differently, for, living in the past as we do, we’re not only in another country but also on an entirely different planet.

    The fighting goes on, of course, but discreetly and in a sporting manner, in each of the many, though fast-dying, Fishy Groupings’ Rings’ / Cliques’ / Cosa Nostra Clubs’ / /Syndicates’ / Societies’ / Trusts’ / Innumerable Fishy In-Crowd Etceteras’ rings, strictly under People Like Us Only – Not You (please don’t apply for membership, as refusal tends to offend), Marquis of Queensbury Rules.

    Tedious to the extreme and, salmon saving-wise, highly ineffective, but, hey, we Brits (well, the better-type English particularly) do like others Not Like Us to know their place and to put on a damned fine show (but strictly “entre nous” – between ourselves – you understand…) whilst resisting change, running like madmen from the present and the future, and generally, though elegantly and apparently industriously, doing absolutely fuck-all.

    Duh. The wheels fell off the Official Salmon Wagon some time back, fellas, and no amount of chandelier-hung and monkey suited, fundraising London dinners and Research are going to put them back on or get salmon into our rivers again. I know that you care, but have often thought that it might help your cause (and, above all, the salmon) if you permitted a lot more people to care, too….

    Retires to the Dr Evil Bootean Bunker to stroke some pussy.

    1. When you have 3 nuclear suns boiling the Pacific since 2011 and ongoing and we’re not supposed to talk about it we’ll boy gollie by George I don’t know why dam nab it.cj

  2. An “On A More Positive Note” PS

    “Let somebody love you before it’s too late…”


    Some have been permanently hunted and serially sniped at for saying as much as, fellas….

    1. Fukushima to blame. Had record Chinook Salmon returns in 2016. Next year numbers collapse. Why?. Chinook go to sea for 5 years. Their dieing at sea, what happen in 2011.

  3. Fukushima to blame. Had record Chinook Salmon returns in 2016. Next year numbers collapse. Why?. Chinook go to sea for 5 years. Their dieing at sea, what happen in 2011.

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