Just Launched | Sage SPEY R8

The Spey angler’s arena is exacting and exhausting. Seams and structure are often in the middle or far side of the river; bushes behind and trees above complicate casting the necessary distance. Deep and fast currents, combined with slick bedrock and boulders, make wading arduous. All the while, extreme weather – rainforest deluges, high desert glare, or never-ending daylight – continuously tests resolve. Nevertheless, the simple fact remains that the more time the fly is in the water, the better the odds of an encounter. To maximize their chances, the Spey angler needs a rod that delivers the fly precisely, repeatedly, with minimal fatigue. They need an intuitive, easy-to-cast, optimized, and fine-tuned rod for their application.

By utilizing our proprietary Revolution 8 graphite, SPEY R8 rods heighten the smooth transfer of energy throughout the three critical components of the Spey cast, allowing anglers to effectively lift the line off the water, Load the rod sufficiently, and Deliver the fly to the target. Casts become instinctive and consistent. Simultaneously, we Fine-Tuned rod models and actions to match the vast array of Spey situations around the globe. The result is a Spey Casting Synergy that’s enjoyable and approaching effortless. Be it steelhead, Atlantic salmon, Chinook salmon, or sea-run brown trout; Skagit, Scandi, or Traditional lines. SPEY R8 rods capitalize on each cast, increasing the likelihood of the almighty moment we all are devoted to.

Available January 16th.

You can check out the full R8 Spey lineup HERE.

2 thoughts on “Just Launched | Sage SPEY R8

  1. Best of luck with the new Spey rod and reel, fellas – I’m sure they’re great (been and a buyer and a heavy user and abuser since your earliest days). We can only hope that in this super-hot and ever-heating world of ours (” MY absolute insistence on flying and driving everywhere, including to the Ends of the Earth to find and nail the last super-desirable fish, has NOTHING to do with it…”), there will be some anadromous fish left to use them on.

    Old British criminal-vernacular expression – “all tooled-up” (armed and dangerous), but now nowhere left to go.

  2. Speaking of steelhead…..

    Some of “our (British salmon) guys” have been over “your way” poaching them under your very noses.

    Apologies in advance etc.


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