Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation: The Future of Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation

Recreational angling is a crucial component of the management of aquatic resources. Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation: The Future of Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation represents a comprehensive evaluation of how fisheries conservation is conducted and funded within the context of the current paradigm. Further, it explores the potential for expanding or replacing that paradigm with a more inclusive model.

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One thought on “Angler Recruitment, Retention, and Reactivation: The Future of Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation

  1. Please send a copy of this American report to Britain’s self-selected, same old- same -old (not merely in age) “Angling” Powers That Be, “With Paul Boote’s Compliments”.

    When I suggested — Oo …..thirty years ago now, in my puiblic talks to fishers and in my private, high-end fishy social interractions both on and off the domestic and foreign riverbank – that balls-out “I am The Man!” machismo, fish-chasing and arguing over mere fishy ounces and who has exclusive claim to this best bit of water might only “not be a good look” but likely to drive normal sorts, like women, children, non-megabucks types and “kinda interested” maybe-beginners away, well, they spent a lot of time, money and energy doing the same to me.

    Takes all types, you see, which all of those of those social and piscatorial, mostly English (not British, which includes Welsh, Scots and Irish) dimwitted relics utterly failed to realise.

    Boote out

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