Death metal music attracts sharks

A documentary film crew hit upon a novel technique to attract great white sharks – blasting death metal through an underwater speaker.

The Discovery Channel crew, filming for the Shark Week show Bride of Jaws, were on the hunt for a large great white, wonderfully nicknamed ‘Joan of Shark’.

Desperate to feature the 16-foot, 1.6 ton shark in their documentary, they submerged a speaker to see if the shark would react. Unfortunately, they didn’t manage to attract Joan but did catch the attention of two others, one of which was 12 feet long.Sharks ‘hear’ by picking up vibrations from receptors on their bodies, meaning they can be attracted to the low-frequency vibrations of heavy music, which apparently sounds like struggling fish.

Sharks ‘hear’ by picking up vibrations from receptors on their bodies, meaning they can be attracted to the low-frequency vibrations of heavy music, which apparently sounds like struggling fish.

LINK (via: The Independent)

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