Angling for more beer

Photo: Angler’s Pint

One successful Kickstarter campaign, a brook trout painting, and a company motto (“Tall tales get better with tall brews”) later, scientific illustrator Karen Talbot’ had created Angler’s Pint, a side business that helps support her other artwork and brings attention to conservation issues.

LINK (via: Press Herald)

2 thoughts on “Angling for more beer

  1. I wish that beer all the very best.

    But we have to be careful when fish get used as a beer- (or, for that matter, anything-) -selling tool.

    Not that many years ago here in Britain a large number of British fishers – many of them based in Norfolk and East Anglia, where, during the 1980s, I happened to be asked to give a fair number of talks to groups of local fishers about my Indian fishing travels – were hitting a South Indian river and its Mahseer so hard and so often and in such numbers that a branded, local British beer seemed in order – as here:

    But fisher numbers and their pressure on a river, the Cauvery, flowing through a State Wildlife and Forest Reserve, had a downside :- in 2012 all fishing on the best and last 30 miles of the river was banned – elephants and animals and forests must come first, not foreign fishers and their noisy and unlicenced fishing camps, being given as the reason.

    The poor old Mahseer, some of them venerable 70- to 100-pounders, of those gorgeous miles of Cauvery, unprotected from night-time coracle-invading, Forest Guard-evading netters and dynamiters, are now mostly gone.

    Still, as Bogart once very nearly said to the lovely Ingrid, “We’ll always have IPA.”.

  2. I have the full set of trout glassware from Karen and love it. Only wish they didn’t eventually fade in the dishwasher. My rainbow trout glasses are starting to look like a chrome-bright steelhead.

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